Friday, February 9, 2018

恭喜發財 福要到了!

When I was still in Taiwan, this was the season I went to an old street called Dihua Street located in Datong District, Taipei City. It is the place where Taiwanese buy goods for the preparation of Chinese New Year. As I have described earlier, it is one of the oldest streets in Taiwan.  According to my lady boss, the buildings are more than a hundred years old. That idea attracted me to pay a visit to this place.
Though the distance from the nearest MRT Station was relatively far as I have walked for around 20 minutes, I think everything is worthy about this place. But a simple reminder, this place is a bit quiet during ordinary days.

Here you can find a lot of big and small stores and stalls that will provide your needs for the coming Lunar New Year. There were foods of different kinds like fish eggs or caviar, candies, pork, tea, Korean kimchi, sausage and a lot lot more. Street foods like sausage, dumplings, and corn were also available. I remember I bought Taro Jam home.

The place was crowded as people were all busy finding their needs and making good deals for things they need for the coming Lunar New Year. Vendors were friendly that I was able to photograph them.

Today, a week before Chinese New Year, surely this place is once again busy and crowded. If you are nearby, don’t forget to see and shop at Dihua Street.

PS. The title is read as KONG SHI FA CHAI, FU YAO TAO LA! Which means "Happy New Year, blessings are coming!"

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year😁.. Over a hundred years building.. Amazing!



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