Friday, February 16, 2018


Firstly, I want to greet you all Happy New Year!!

恭喜發財!! 祝你大吉大利,萬事如意!!狗年旺旺來!!

A big part of the world celebrates Chinese New Year that is why my blog post for today are the things I have learned about Chinese New Year and I am sharing it with you.

🎇Chinese New Year is based on Lunar Calendar. Every year the date varies, it always falls between January 21-February 20. It is according to the movement of the moon. The day of the New Year falls when the moon is full.

🎇It is also called Spring Festival. It marks the end of winter days and start of spring season.

🎇Family eats dinner together om New Year's eve. Lots of foods are served on the dining table.

🎇The color of New Year is red. Houses and establishments are decorated with red couplets, streets are lanterned with red, people wear red clothes, and children are given red envelopes (紅包). For Chinese, color red signifies wealth and happiness and it brings good luck.

🎇No matter what month and date is your birthday, everyone gets a year older during this season.

🎇People thouroughly clean their houses before New Year's day so that to remove "dirts" from the old year and to bring luck for the coming year.

🎇Lion and dragon dances are performed to drive away bad spirits and welcome good luck.

PS. Photos were taken at Dihua Street, see my previous post about my visit in this old street. In the photo is an Uncle (阿伯) who was calligraphing my Chinese name (珍妮佛) which is read as Zhen Ni Fo.

*All photos in my blog are taken by me.


  1. Wow sana makapunta ako diyan te. Someday 😊

  2. I had a feeling that you'd post something related to the Chinese New Year 😂😂😂😂 GONG XI FA CHOI, CHECHE JEN.

  3. Well enumerated info about Chinese new year. Thanks :)



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